Electromagnetic Radiation
Electromagnetic radiation consists of waves of the electromagnetic field, propagating through space, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy. It includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. All of these waves form part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Interaction of light with matter:
Absorb |
Emit |
Transmit |
Relationship of frequency, Energy, and wavelength:
is inversely proportional to Wavelength. Wavelength (ƛ) is defined as the
distance between two consecutive crusts and troughs while frequency(f) is defined
as the number of waves produced in one second.
ʋ is directly proportional to Energy E.
Where h is the Planks constant and its value is 6.62607015 × 10−34 Js.
The Study of properties of matter through the
interaction of different frequency components with the Electromagnetic spectrum is
called spectroscopy.
The wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation that are emitted or absorbed by an object or substance, atom, or molecule are called a spectrum.
Spectral Series:
It is divided into further five classes given below:
History of Atomic Spectroscopy
Jonannes Marcus Marci of Kronland
(1595-1667) in Eastern Bonemia can probably be considered the first
spectroscopic scientist. He was interested in the phenomenon of the rainbow and performed
experiments to explain it.
In 1666, Issac Newton perform a solar
experiment that didn't conclude anything.
Wollaston repeats Newton's experiment in
1802 and reported “The solar spectrum is
intersected by dark lines”.
Frown Hoffer investigated the dark lines
and was able to determine the specific or characteristic wavelength. He reported
his experiment in 1823.
Atomic emission and Atomic absorption
spectroscopy was first observed by Kirchhoff and Frown Hoffer.
Atomic absorption spectroscopy was experimentally
observed by Elon Walsh in 1955
Atomic emission spectroscopy was
observed by Bunsen in 1920.
Principle of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
the beam of EMR of characteristic wavelength is passed through vaporized atom
present in a flame of plasma then the atom absorbs these radiations and decreases its intensity which is directly proportional to the atom present in the ground
The technique involves the absorption of electromagnetic
radiation (UV-Visible) by ground-state neutral atoms in the gas phase of their own
specific resonance wavelength.
The sample solution is aspirated into the flame and converted into an atomic vapor. The atoms in the flame are excited thermally by the flame and most of these remain in the ground state.
The degree of absorption is proportional to the
ground state population of atoms present in the flame.
The relative population of the ground state and excited
state population at a given temperature may be estimated by Maxwell-Boltzmann
In AAS, the ground state population of atoms is
important and is measured.
It is independent of temperature.
Flame photometry and AAS are considered
complementary in sensitivity. Their comparative analysis is given below:
Flame Emission spectroscopy atomic |
Atomic absorption spectroscopy |
Elements with low excitation energies are
determined by FES. |
Elements with high excitation energies are
determined by AAS. |
Wavelengths are emitted from atoms. |
Wavelengths are absorbed by atoms. |
Beer’s Law does not obey. |
Beer’s Law is obeyed. |
Limited to alkali and alkaline earth metals. |
Useful for more than 70 metals. |